Monday, November 9, 2009


We were revolutionaries.
We were soldiers,
And we were lovers.
We held hands,
And we sang our way,
Through mountain passes,
And battle fields.
Hold out for me.
Stand strong against the hate of these lands.
Never leave me alone.
You are powerful,
And in my weakness,
I was so strong.
Through you I can stand.
Don’t forget that I still follow you,
You stride so quickly.
Raise a battle yell,
And run to your foes.
Raise your arms and call them home.
We were revolutionaries.
We were soldiers,
And we were lovers.
Lead me through these broken paths,
Across the seas,
The fire,
The flames,
And the battle fields.
Your eyes they shone like brilliant stars,
And I,
I am a firefly,
I flicker and imitate your enduring beauty.
Though ephemeral,
I too can be beautiful.
I am your adorer.
You are adored.
Oh, my beloved,
We are revolutionaries.
We are soldiers,
And we are lovers.
I kneel before you,
My love,
My God,
Upon the ice,
Upon the fire,
The flames,
And the battle fields,
Will I kneel,
O, my love.