Sunday, September 6, 2009

World of Dreams

How strange is the world of dreams,
Where nothing has definite shape,
Where all is in flux.
Change is infinite,
And time infinitely inconstant.
In this place where faces,
Places change,
And peace,
Dance and bend upon one another.
How strange is this world of dreams,
Where voices move,
And lips,
Are still.
Where fire flows like water,
And a tree becomes the sea.
A grand ship with masts tall as mountains,
Becomes a toy in my hand.
A friend so kind,
Turns upon me with gnashing teeth.
How strange the world of dreams,
Where colors are colorless,
And sounds,
Are silent.
Gravity chains body immobile,
Then suddenly relaxes,
And we soar into flight.
All is fluid,
And solid still.
A road once straight,
Begins to twist.
And a house’s walls turn into trees.
How strange is the world of dreams,
And stranger still,

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